jeudi 17 mai 2012

The Start of a New Piece

Today, I decided to begin a painting centering around the idea of Derridian "hospitality." This 30" by 40" mass of redness seems to lack direction. Perhaps this could be attributed to the technique I've chosen. Using my hands as a brush, I was hoping to let the paint inspire the formation of this work. Unfortunately,  I'm still a bit clueless. Every idea I seem to have doesn't properly fit my mood and it's hard for me to  construct an image when I'm not satisfied with my concept.

So what did I initially invision this project to be?

Using the words, which describe hospitality, I wanted to make an image of God and Adam's fingers touching to imply the unstable balance humanity has with an ever-forsaking deity as it relates to the concept of hospitality. Then, I realized that it would be pointless to do so because I have no personal qualms with this relationship and it does not bring about an honest depiction of who I am as an artist. 

Now where does that leave me?

I am here asking you, the reader, to advise me on which path this piece should follow. Should it be a struggle between itself? Or with an outside force? Or a bit of both? 

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