As you already know, I am an artist who likes to write about my work and the work of others. Yet today, I don't want to write about anyone's work. Rather I want to focus this excerpt on how art can be defined and the reasons for its existence. Assuming this is a dialectic conversion, I would agree with my imaginary counter part that this seems like a laborious task, but I feel that to those readers who do not have a strong artistic background, you guys might prophet from this piece. So here I go. Are you ready?
I have this theory that art is more than just an expression or feeling being fabricated into being by the hands of its craftsman. It is a language much like any other and it is not intrinsically linked to the raw feelings that are projected by the artist. I know. I know. I am not very original and my concession to my variated version of this concept has caused the profoundness of my statement to vanish. Nevertheless, it doesn't make it any less valid. This is because there is a terrible rumor going around, that some people do not possess the ability to convey their meanings through an artistic medium. If art is something that is learned, (and it is) then that rumor is now proven false. This in turn gives my readers who have been too afraid to take the plunge into painting, drawing, sculpting, singing, dancing, etc. a new found hope that they are not ill-equipped to pursue in an artistic endeavor. Yet the question still remains, why should they even consider delving into the arts?
In several studies (that I am too lazy to quickly look up right now because I am a generation Y woman) it has been proven that the more languages a person knows the higher their intelligence is. If we assume that my little hypothesis about art being a language is true, then we can concede to the notion that the readers who have not yet biten into the apple of creativity will increase their understanding of life if they sink their teeth into the juicy fruit of knowledge. It is time for the Adams and Eves of this world to take a stance against the draconian rules of the past. Learning is not something that should be punishable, but rather something that should be praised.
Okay that was really melodramatic, but still... I am so tired of hearing people say that they just can't do art. I feel like that is a false statement, which is conditioned into the minds of those who claim to not know how to handle a brush. Basically, the point I am trying to make is this:
In learning, you become simultaneously empowered and humbled. Education is a continuum that encourages self discovery. And art is merely a visual representation of this. This is because humanity has this innate desire to be heard by an audience. And this my dear readers is why art exists. It is an aesthetic take on communication that can be interpreted as a soft whisper, a violent scream, a sweet reverie, a discombobulating nightmare and at times a simple statement explaining a simple truth.
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